What is Skin Tightening With the age, skin loses its elasticity which causes saggy, wrinkled appearance. There are few reasons as loss of elastin in the skin, which makes the skin more fragile and collagen production becomes slow down;…
By common definition, “Cellulite is lumpy unevenly distributed bulges of fatty tissue which often have a cottage cheese consistency. It is composed of gel-like lumps of water, fat and residues of toxic substances that should have been eliminated from…
Our treatment helps to correct the damages on the skin , stimulates production of collagen and elastin giving you rejuvenated, younger looking skin.
Fat is an essential component of our body. It must be considered as reserve of energy which our body needs to manage its basic functions.
It is important to understand the difference between weight loss and fat loss. Weight loss typically involves the loss of fat, water, bone mass, calcium and muscle.
The adequate pulse duration, energy density and epidermal cooling ensure an adequate thermal damage to the target tissue without damaging the surrounding tissue to achieve effective hair removal.