Weight Loss

It is important to understand the difference between weight loss and fat loss. Weight loss typically involves the loss of fat, water, bone mass, calcium and muscle. A dieter can lose weight without losing much fat. Ideally overweight people should seek to lose fat and preserve muscle since muscle is metabolically active and burns more calories. Generally the more muscle mass one has the higher ones metabolism resulting in more calories burnt even at rest. Since muscle is denser, muscle loss results in little loss of physical bulk compared with fat loss. To determine whether weight loss is due to fat various methods of measuring body fat percentage have been developed. The reliable one which only we exclusively have is something known as Bio-Analoque developed by American Scientists.


BODYLINER is a revolutionary new product, especially designed for professional use in clinics giving relaxing and pleasant treatment for a dream figure. It is effortless and time saving method to give exercise to your muscles in a smooth and safe way which is called a “passive exercise”.
If well presented and use with confidence, electrical therapy soon get acceptable and will produce effects, which can not be produced manually or cosmetically. It will also reinforce and speed to spur on clinical programmed.
The main purpose of using electrical current is to stimulate or speed natural body processes. As the body has its own natural electrical energy, electrical frequencies can be used to good effect to encourage the body to work to full capacity and regain or maintain vitality and strength. Small electrical currents generated by the individual cells naturally accompany all the process occurs in the body. This activity can be enhanced by careful choice and use of electrical therapy of Spectrum’s equipments to bring the body to correct functioning.

Once the report is taken out and personally studied and discussed with the client we put the client on to our nutritionist where the diets or modifications in lifestyle are given according to his/her choice and personal liking of food stuffs. There are no crash diets, no supplements powders or medications given and only moderate physical activities are introduced to them by our nutritionist and fitness experts taking into consideration their health and medical problems. An exercise chart is prescribed individually for each and every client as per the age / sex / target fat / target heart rate and fat burning zone of that individual. The diets are based on the clients day to day intake of food and only modified from what they recall . No special diets are given to make them uncomfortable and bored.


Diets of our clients ranging from Celebrities, VVIPs, Medical Fraternity, Corporate Offices, various Institutions, Call Centres etc. are planned at our centers keeping their respective lifestyle in mind. We advice on the following :-

  1. Eating thermogenic foods
  2. Eating the right food combination.

Our weight loss targets for different age groups are as follows:

Weight Loss
16-301-33-5 kgs up to 15 kgs
30-401-33-5 kgs up to 12 kgs
40-501-33-5 kgs up to 11 kgs
50 UP1-33-5 kgs up to 10 kgs


  • A weight loss of just 10 pounds (4.5 Kg) has been associated with a 34% drop in triglyceride levels.
  • A modest weight loss of 10 pounds (4.5 Kg) is associated with a 16% decrease in total cholesterol, a 12% decrease in LDL cholesterol and an 18% increase in HDL cholesterol.
  • Each 2 pounds of weight loss results in a 2-mm Hg drop in blood pressure.
  • Every 2.2 pounds (1 Kg) of weight loss reduces the stress on each knee by approximately 5 pounds per square inch.
  • Every 2.2 pounds (1 Kg) of weight loss corresponds to a three-to-four month increase in life expectancy.



  • Reduce the risk of premature death.
  • Reduce the risk of developing and / or dying from heart disease.
  • Reduce high blood pressure or the risk of developing high blood pressure.
  • Reduce high cholesterol or the risk of developing high cholesterol.
  • Reduce the risk of developing colon cancer and breast cancer.
  • Reduce the risk of developing diabetes.
  • Reduce or maintain body weight or body fat.
  • Build and maintain healthy muscles, bones and joints.
  • Reduce depression and anxiety.

Before / After